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K-12 Teachers

We offer a number of resources to K-12 teachers looking to add hands on activities to their teaching. BEN works with teachers to develop lesson plans that fit within the common core standards. An example of an available resource is a 35 minute hands-on lesson on biodiversity.

Non-profit organizations

We are excited to contribute to the needs of local non-profit organizations. BEN works with the organization to identify how our expertise can help to meet the needs of the non-profit organization. An example of an ongoing partnership is our work with the Binghamton Zoo, NYSParks FORCES program, and Nature Enrichment Program with Achieve New York.    


Vanessa and Matt (Hua lab) using microscopes to teach students about plankton. 

Matt (Hua lab) teaching 5th graders about pond biodiversity. 

Justin (Clark lab) teaching 1st graders about habitat adaptation in hornworms.

Justin (Clark lab), Devin (Hua lab), and Mike (Miles Lab) at Achieve NY! 

Zoo Outreach!

Event organizers

We offer experts on diversity of topics in Biology that are able to provide a lecture or seminar. Please refer to the Speaker's Bureau link for a list of topics and speakers.


News/ Press

We are happy to contribute our efforts to local news/ press endeavors. For example, BEN members frequently contribute to the "Ask-A-Scientist" program. Check out this example.


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