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Clark Lab

Anne B. Clark


Binghamton University behavioral ecologist Anne Clark has spent the past 13 years studying the complex social lives of crows, focusing on cooperative behavior.


Andria Kroner


Andria is a first year PhD student at BU with interests in behavioral ecology and conservation.

Jessica Hua


Jessica is an Assistant Professor at BU with interests in ecology, evolution and ecotoxicology. Check out her lab webpage:

Justin Mann

Justin is a second year PhD student studying the use of social information in songbirds.

Hua Lab

Fiumera Lab


Devin DiGiacopo


Devin is a first year PhD student interested in the evolution and ecology of freshwater populations, especially under the pressure of man-made chemicals. 

Anthony Fiumera

Sarah Marcus

Miles Lab

Carol Miles



Mike Losinger

Mike earned his PhD in biology at Binghamton in 2016. He's broadly interested in the evolution of communication and cooperative and competitive behaviors in social species. His dissertation was on vibrational signaling in the thornbug, Umbonia crassicornis.

Sobel Lab

James Sobel


Jay is broadly interested in the ecological and genetic basis of adaptation and speciation. Sobel Lab Page

Haley Arnold


Haley is a first-year PhD student interested in the genetics of ecological speciation.

Nature Preserve

Dylan Horvath

Steward of Natural Areas at Binghamton University -

       Maintenance, Volunteer Coordinator, Educational Tours, Land Management

Field Wildlife Biologist -

       Salamanders, Birds, Bats, Wolverines


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