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Milusich, E,. E. Ruhs, J. Gilbert, J. Hua, and G. Dehnert. Accepted. Detection of PFAS in sugarbushes across the ceded

territories: A method for PFAS analysis in maple sap and syrup. Environmental Science and Pollution.



Women in Herpetology- 50 Stories from Around the World. 2023. "From shooting basketballs to catching frogs." Edited

by Umilaela Arifin, Itzue W. Caviedes Solis, and Sinlan Poo Now available!


Buss, N. and J. Hua. 2023. Host exposure to a common pollutant can influence diversity–disease relationships. Journal

of Animal Ecology. 92(11):2151-2162. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13988

Billet, L., V.P. Wuerthner, R.A. Relyea, J.T. Hoverman, and J. Hua. 2023Population-level variation in pesticide tolerance

across three life stages of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis. Aquatic Toxicology. 261:106626. doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106626


Horn, K., G. Shidemantle, I. Velasquez, E. Ronan, J. Blackwood, B.A. Reinke, and J Hua. 2023. Evaluating the Interactive

Effects of Artificial Light at Night and Background Color on Tadpole Crypsis, Background Adaptation Efficacy, and Growth. Environmental Pollution 333: 122056. 

Ricci, K., McLauchlin B., Hua, J. Accepted. Impact of a Science Art Exhibit on Public Interest and Student Comprehension of

Disease Ecology Research. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. 

Hernandez-Gomez, O. and Hua, J. Accepted. From the organismal to biosphere levels: environmental impacts on the

amphibian microbiota. FEMS Microbiology Reviews.

Enochs, B., Meindl, G., Shidemantle, G., Wuerthner, V., Akerele, D., Bartholomew, A., Bulgrien, B., Davis, A., Hoyt, K., Kung,

L., Molina, M., Miller, E., Winship, A., Zhang, Y., Graney, J., Collins, D., & Hua, J. (2023). Short and long-term phytoremediation capacity of aquatic plants in Cu-polluted environments. Heliyon, 9(1), e12805. LINK

Reinke, B,. J. Avery, J. Hua. In press. The importance of integrating non-visual functions of pigments in the context of

global change to understand impacts on visual systems. Functional Ecology. 

Boone, M*., J. Hua*, C. Gabor, I. Gomez-Mestre, M. Katzenberger, T. McMahon and S. Rumschlag. 2024. Chapter

4: Ecotoxicology: amphibian vulnerability to chemical contamination. In: IUCN's Amphibian conservation action plan : a status review and roadmap for global amphibian conservation. Edited by Edited by: Sally Wren, Amaël Borzée, Ruth Marcec-Greaves and Ariadne Angulo. *Co-first authors.

Ricci, K., K. Lu, G. Shidemantle, J. Hua. In press. Engaging youth in biodiversity education through visual narrative.

Conservation Biology. 

Imbruce, V., V. Jaeger, M.A. Rinkus, J. Hua & M. O’Rourke 2024. Raising undergraduate researchers’ interdisciplinary

consciousness through dialogue. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 10.1007/s13412-024-00942-0


Jones, D., D. DiGiacopo, B. Mattes, E. Yates, J. Hua, J. Hoverman, R. Relyea. 2024. Naïve and induced tolerance of 15

amphibian populations to three commonly applied insecticides. Aquatic Toxicology. 272: 106945


Shidemantle, G., J. Blackwood, K. Horn, I. Velasquez, E. Ronan, B. Reinke, J. Hua. The morphological effects of artificial

light at night on amphibian predators and prey are masked at the community level. Environmental Pollution. 

Wuerthner, V., J. Hua, & O. Hernandez Gomez. In Press. Life Stage and Proximity to Roads Shape the Skin Microbiota of

Eastern Newts (Notophthalmus viridescens). Environmental Microbiology.

DiGiacopo, D. G., & J. Hua. 2022. The effects of novel leaf litter deposition on competitive, predator–prey and host–

parasite interactions of American toad larvae. Aquatic Ecology. Early View:

Buss, N., B. Sander, and J. Hua. 2021. Effects of polyester microplastic fiber contamination on amphibian‐trematode

interactions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Early view: Press release

Shidemantle, G., *N. Buss, & J. Hua. 2021. Are glucocorticoids good indicators of disturbance across populations that

exhibit cryptic variation in contaminant tolerance? Animal Conservation (Early View: Top 10 most cited papers.


Gabor, C., S. Kivlin, J. Hua, N. Bickford, M. Burford Reiskind, and T. Wright. 2021. Understanding organismal capacity to

respond to anthropogenic change: Barriers and solutions. Integrative and Comparative Biology.


Buss, N., L. Swierk, and J. Hua. 2021. Amphibian breeding phenology influences offspring size and response to a common

wetland contaminant. Frontiers in Zoology 18:31. Press Release

Billet, L., V. Wuerthner, J. Hua, R. Relyea, J. Hoverman. 2021. Population-level variation in infection outcomes not

influenced by pesticide exposure in larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica). Freshwater Biology 00:1-13.

Jones, D., J. Hua, B. Mattes, R.D. Cothran, J. Hoverman, R.A. Relyea. 2021. Predator- and competitor-induced

responses in amphibian populations that evolved different levels of pesticide tolerance. Ecological Applications 00: e02305



Billet, L., V. Wuerthner, J. Hua, R. Relyea, J. Hoverman. In press. Timing and order of exposure to two echinostome

species affect patterns of infection in larval amphibians. Parasitology 147(13):1515-1523.



Buss, N., K.N. Nelson, J. Hua, & R.A. Relyea. (2020). Effects of different roadway deicing salts on host-parasite

interactions: The importance of salt type. Environmental Pollution, 266, 115244. LINK

DiGiacopo, D.G. and J. Hua. 2020. Plasticity in the anthropocene: Testing limits, benefits and costs of phenotypic plasticity.

Ecology and Evolution 10: 4448-4456. 10.1002/ece3.6211.


Issue cover by Devin DiGiacopo!

 Meindl, G.A., N. Schleissmann, B. Sander, M. Lam, W. Parker, C. Fitzgerald, R. Oltmer & J. Hua. 2020. Exposure to metals

(Ca, K, Mn) and road salt (NaCl) differentially affect development and survival in two model amphibians. Chemistry and Ecology: 1-11.



Shidemantle, G., D. May, Q. Melnick-Kelley, K. Crane, and J. Hua 2019. The effect of intensified illuminance and artificial

light at night on fitness and susceptibility to abiotic and biotic stressors. Environmental Pollution. 2019; 251: 600 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.05.016 Press release

Hernández-Gómez, O., Kimble, S.J.A., Hua, J., Wuerthner, V.P., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Cothran, R.D., Relyea, R.A.,

Meindl, G.A., Hoverman, J.T., 2019. Local adaptation of the MHC class IIβ gene in populations of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) correlates with proximity to agriculture. Infection, Genetics and Evolution.

Hernandez-Gomez, O., V. Wuerthner, and J. Hua. 2019. Amphibian host and skin microbiota response to a common

agricultural antimicrobial and internal parasite. Microbial Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-019-01351-5

Wersebe, M, P. Blackwood, Y.T. Guo, J. Jaeger, D.May, S. Ryan, V. Wong, J. Hua. 2019. The effects of different cold-

temperature regimes (cold-press and cold-pulse) on amphibian development, growth, and susceptibility to an          abiotic and biotic stressor. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.4957 Press release

Hua, J. and R. Relyea. 2019. The effect of a common pyrethroid insecticide on aquatic communities.

Environmental Research Communications.


Wuerthner, V.P., J. Jaeger, P. Garramone, C. Loomis, Y. Pecheny, R. Reynolds, L. Deluna, S. Klein, M. Lam, G.Meindl, and J.

Hua. 2019. Inducible pesticide tolerance in Daphnia pulex influenced by resource availability. Ecology and Evolution: doi: 10.1002/ece3.4807


Buss, N., M. Wersebe, and J. Hua. 2018. Direct and indirect effects of a common cyanobacterial toxin on amphibian-

           echinostome dynamics. Chemosphere 220:731–737. LINK doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.12.160

DiGiacopo, D.G., G.A. Meindl, S. Ryan, J. Jaeger, M. Wersebe, A. Martin, S.A. Robinson, G. Graham, A.R. Palmer, A.

Setteducate, I. Murray, K. Prior, and J. Hua. Accepted. Interaction between invasive plant leaf litter and NaCl on two model amphibians. Biol Invasions. doi: 10.1007/s10530-018-1836-7. Biological Invasions.  Press release

Buss, N. and J. Hua. 2018. Wood frog susceptibility to a common parasite is modified by NaCl and predators.

Environmental Pollution 236: 754-763. LINK



Hua, J., V.P. Wuerthner, D.K. Jones, B. Mattes, R.D. Cothran, R.A. Relyea, and J.T. Hoverman. 2017 Evolved Pesticide

Tolerance Influences Susceptibility to Parasites in Amphibians.” Evolutionary Applications. doi:10.1111/eva.12500. Top 20 most downloaded papers.


Wuerthner, V.P., J. Hua, & J. Hoverman. 2017. The benefits of coinfection: Trematodes alter disease outcomes associated

with virus infection. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 921-931.


Miles, J.C., J. Hua, M.S. Sepulveda, C.H. Krupke, J. Hoverman. 2017. Neonicotinoids and aquatic communities: Evaluating

the lethal and sublethal effects of exposure. PLOS ONE 12(3): e0174171.


Gervasi, S. S., P.R. Stephens, J. Hua, C. L. Searle, G. Xie, J. Urbina, D. Olson, B. A. Bancroft, V. Weis, J. I. Hammond, R. A.

Relyea, and A. R. Blaustein. 2017. Linking ecology and epidemiology to understand predictors of multi-host responses to an emerging pathogen, the amphibian chytrid fungus. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0167882. Top 10% most cited papers.


Hua, J., N. Buss, J. Kim, S. Orlofsky & J. Hoverman. 2016. Population-specific toxicity of six insecticides to the

trematode Echinoparyphium sp. Parasitology. doi:10.1017/S0031182015001894.


Jones, D.K., J. Hua, & Relyea R.A. 2016Interactive effects of endosulfan and predators on aquatic communities.

Freshwater Science 35(1):152–163.



Hua, J., D.K. Jones, R.D. Cothran, B.M. Mattes, R.A. Relyea, & J.H. Hoverman. 2015. Evolved pesticide tolerance in

amphibians: Predicting mechanisms based on pesticide novelty and mode of action. Environmental Pollution 206:56-63. 


Buck, J.C., J. Hua, T.D. Nguyen, J. Urbina, R.J. Bendis, W.R. Brogan, A.B. Stoler, A.R. Blaustein, and R.A. Relyea.

2015. Effects of pesticide mixtures on host-pathogen dynamics of the amphibian chytrid fungus. PloS One 10(7): e0132832.


Hua, J., D.K. Jones, B.M. Mattes, R.D. Cothran, R.A. Relyea, & J.T. Hoverman. 2015. The contribution of phenotypic

plasticity to the evolution of insecticide tolerance in amphibian populations. Evolutionary Applications 8: 586-596


Bradley, P.W., S.S. Gervasi, J. Hua, R.D. Cothran, R.A. Relyea, D.H. Olson, & A.R. Blaustein. 2015. Differences in

sensitivity to (Bd) infection across ten populations of wood frog. Conservation Biology 29(5): 1347–1356.




Hua, J. & R.A. Relyea. 2014. Chemical cocktails in aquatic ecosystems: Pesticide effects on resistance and resilience.

Environmental Pollution 189: 18-26. 


Hua, J., D.K. Jones, & R.A. Relyea. 2014. Induced tolerance from a sublethal insecticide leads to cross-tolerance to other

insecticides. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 4078-4085. pdf




Hua, J., N.I. Morehouse, & R.A. Relyea. 2013. Pesticide tolerance in amphibians: induced tolerance in susceptible

populations, constitutive tolerance in tolerant populations. Evolutionary Applications 6:1028– 1040. pdf


Hua, J. & B.A. Pierce. 2013. Lethal and sublethal effects of salinity on three common Texas amphibians. Copeia 3 : 562–

566. Abstract


Hua, J., R.D. Cothran, A.B. Stoler, & R.A. Relyea. 2013. Cross resistance in amphibians: Wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus)

mortality when exposed to three insecticides with a common mode of action. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32:932-936. pdf


Gervasi, S.S., J. Urbina, J. Hua, T. Chestnut, R.A. Relyea, & A.R. Blaustein. 2013. Experimental evidence for differential

susceptibility to the amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in the American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus). EcoHealth 10:166-171. Abstract




Hua, J. & R.A. Relyea. 2012. East Coast versus West Coast: Effects of an insecticide in communities containing different

amphibian assemblages. Freshwater Science: 31: 787-799. pdf


Searle, C.L., S.S. Gervasi, J. Hua, J.I. Hammond, R.A. Relyea, D.H. Olson, & A.R. Blaustein. 2011. Differential host

susceptibility to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, an emerging amphibian pathogen. Conservation Biology 25:965-974. Abstract


Griffin, E.A., R.J. Bendis, N. Brouwer, J. Hua, M. Koski, G. A. Meindl, & W.P. Carson. 2011. Review of: Tropical Rain

Forest Ecology, Diversity, and Conservation. Ghazoul, J., and D. Sheil. Plant Sciences Bulletin 57:71-73. 


Brogan, W.R., A.N. Hale, C.D. Heckel, J. Hua, A. Montesinos, A.R. Rohde, H.M. Shaffery, A.B. Stoler, M. Wolfe, T.

Ashman, & W.P. Carson. 2009. Review of Positive Interactions and Interdependence in Plant Communities, by R.M. Callaway. Plant Science Bulletin 55:125-126.



Popular Press/ other



Binghamton University (July 29)- False spring: Climate change may erode frogs’ ability to withstand salt pollution.  

Binghamton University (April 9)- In the water: Research investigates impact of microplastics on frog parasites. 

Binghamton University (March 22)- Biodiversity and adaption 




Binghamton Magazine (Sept 24)- Once upon a parasite: Binghamton scientist ensures kids learn interplay of toxicology, ecology and evolution 

Science Daily (May 28)- Light at night is harmful for amphibians, new research shows (Feb 20)- Cold temperature variability: An overlooked effect of climate change



Science Daily (Oct 23)- Invasive species in an ecosystem harm native organisms but aid other invasive species



Wildlife Society (Sept 15)- Pesticides may affect how frogs handle other threats.

Science Daily (July 17)- Amphibians can become tolerant to pesticides, but at a cost.


 Science Daily (April 4)- Common pesticides kill amphibian parasites

Nature News- (Aug 18, 2015)- “Frogs mount speedy defence against pesticide threat”


OnEarth Natural Resources Defense Council (Sept 8, 2015)- “Resistance movement- Pesticide pollution actually creates toxin-tolerant frogs—to a point.”


Discovery News- 2013, Aug 1- Tim Wall- “Pesticide Pollution Creates Toxin-Tolerant Tadpoles.” Link


FrogLog (July 2013- Issue number 107, Volume 21, Number 3, p 66)


Science Daily- University of Pittsburgh (2013, May 1). Amphibians living close to farm fields are more resistant to common insecticides. Link


A new tack on toxic research. Today’s Wildlife Professional by Katie Unger. pdf


Smithsonian Institute- “Frog, chemical, water, you” Film for the public

     Part 1

     Part 2

     Part 3

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