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The Hua Lab

Final projects
Check out these neat student solutions to contemporary ecotoxicological problems!

Problem- Insecticide-induced bee declines
Solution- Teach public how to build solitary bee nests.
Product- Bee nest kits and Youtube video

Problem- Toxicological literacy among youth can be limited;
Solution- Introduce high schoolers to toxicology through active learning.
Product- A toxicology lesson plan that addresses NY next generation science standards

Problem- Contaminants in the water
Solution- Create an art piece to educate public about chemicals and how to avoid them.
Product- A 7- piece embroidery exhibit + informative plaque.

Problem- Public are not aware of chemicals / acidity of energy drinks; Solution- Teach public about the effects using social media. Product- Instagram account: @drink_what #whatarewedrinking- photos

Problem- How do multiple chemicals interact
Solution- Conduct toxicological assay examining multiple contaminants.
Product- Data demonstrating the interactive effects of an antibacterial and pesticides.

Problem- General public unawareness about bee declines
Solution- Increase awareness via social media
Product- Created a "save the bees" Snapchat filter
Problem- Lack of Chemical-use transparency
Solution- Communicate chemical use using public medium
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